Her Anaconda

Student 1 (singing): My anaconda don’t, my anaconda don’t…
Student 2: I love this song so much. When it first came out, I just watched the video over and over again.
Student 1: I like her anaconda.
Me: She doesn’t have an anaconda, dude. 
Student 1: Yes she does.
Me: I don’t think you know what this song is about…
Student 1: (perplexed) But in the video, she’s got that anaconda all up on her ass…
Me: ….
Student 1 (lightbulb moment) Oooh. She’s talking about a dick.
Me: (nodding)
Student 2: That MC Hammer really knows his shit.
Me: That wasn’t MC Hammer!!
Student 1: Yeah it was. He also sang that Humpty song!

Stop being weird

Student: Have you been to [local BBQ restaurant]?
Me: No, but I think I’m going on Monday.
Student: Oooooooh, is it a daaaaate?
Me: No, it’s with a friend.
Student: Ooooooooooooh.
Me: Her name is Mina, she has a husband and two kids.
Student (trying to be sexy, succeeded in being creepy): Tell her I say “Heeeeeeeey Mina”
Me: Dude, stop being weird.
Student (on repeat): Heeeeeeeeey Mina, heeeeeeey heeeeeeeey Mina, Meeeeeeeeeeeeena…